Dienstag, 30. September 2008

[Blender] Rhino

uh lets add some animals in Kal^^
Here is the Blender Rhino ;)

Well im nearly done with the female Necro, male necro will need some more time ;)

Montag, 29. September 2008

Blender Monitor Lizard

As i said, here it is ;)
My monitor lizard (google translate, i hope its right^^)
If you wonder what the fuck in his face etc is, its the armature for moving the head etc ;)

Freitag, 26. September 2008

Plans for future

Well atm im working on 2 Necromancer, one male and one female

male is ~ 15% done
female ~ 10% done

Im also working on a 6 leg monitor lizard

i think its nearly 80% done

after i finished with that i will start to create some Armors in Blender ;)

and what is a post without some show off :D

here is a knife that i created for the new 4th class the thief

Blender Traditional Sword

Well, because of the reason that i like long swords and because i wanted to create a traditional sword i decided to make a Long Traditional Sword ^^

and here it is

of cause it wasnt that much work, but i like it^^

Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

Blender Monk

Well, a Monk is needed in every MMORPG, so i decided to create one^^
this time i used a pic to create it (without it would be to hard :D)

but i dont want you to wait to long^^ here it is

Mittwoch, 24. September 2008

Blender Ninja

Nothing new, but still special^^
playing with armature ^^

Blender Saurian + Cart

The Platosaurios (i hope its right spelled :D)
was also much work, and i think it will be great to fight against it on K2O^^

wasnt as much work as the Dragon, but i like it^^

Here is a traditional japanese cart, i think its not rly different from koran carts^^

Blender Dragon!

Wow i done it :) well i will texture it later, but i rly like my Dragon!
(if you wanna see it ingame you have to wait for K2O :P)

I hope you like it as much as me, cause it was very much work^^

Added the first pic^^

Blender Skeleton

Again some Blender work, a try for creating a Skeleton
i think if somebody want it, i will share it, cause its not solid atm ^^

Dienstag, 23. September 2008

Front View Ninja

The Front view and as i said, i will change the face^^
(Added a new pic (top))

It was much work, so i hope you like it ;)

Ninja + Animation

So here are some screens i made in Blender ;)

Animation is working fine now^^

Ninja in Blender

Some Blender, Texture is not done so i choose to call it cyborg (faces are hard, very hard^^)

Added Animation, Delted useless stuff, looks slimmer now (much usefuller for kal, ss later ;) )

hope you like it, ingame viewable only at K2O ^^

Montag, 22. September 2008

Ingame Mage

Well KalOnline Art^^ Explosive Burst
A bit bad Quality because i uploaded it as jpg ;)

I preffer the 1. but this is also nice^^

Sonntag, 21. September 2008

New Test Monster

Added some light effects on and made it a bit darker ;)

Samstag, 20. September 2008

Thats myself

Let me introduce myself, my name is Jakob, I'm 16 years old,
my favorite music is Metal, thats why im black dressed.^^
if you dont like me its because you are not female xD (or too old)